The Empty Place Where You Once Sat
Every day I notice the space on the sofa where my little dog Stanley used to sit. Sometimes it’s easiest to look the other way. I try hard to really notice the small things that used to bring me so such joy. Being out in nature helps. The skies have been beautiful recently.
- Image size 13 x 13cm
- Framed size 31 x 31cm approximately
- Mixed media original using oil pastel, ink and sgraffito on board
- Beautifully presented in a bespoke solid wood frame. Carefully chosen by Sam and Frame Factory Brighton, with a substantial profile for a ‘vintage modern’ feel. Stained in subtle shades of dark brown, lightly distressed, waxed and buffed to a soft sheen with antique gold fillet. Glazed using UltraVue which is a crystal clear, virtually invisible glass offering 70% UV protection