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2 weeks ago

Sam Toft
Well I do feel like I’m walking through the wilderness followed by sheep!!My Instagram account @samtoftartist was hacked 25th May and Meta Support have tried to ‘help’ 6 times but it comes down to the same thing. If the hackers have changed your password and email twice ( as they do those clever hackers ) there is not a thing they can/will do. Even though I can do 3D identification and my face and name is all over the account. Surely with all those clever young people out there, there is a huge gap in the market to help other people like me. What a wonderful niche market don’t you think? If hackers can take an account away, couldn’t a reformed hacker take it back😜? ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Sam Toft
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.Henry David ThoreauI hope your weekend has been a lovely one x ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Sam Toft
You can be soft and strong. You don’t need to choose.@donnaashworthwords Very grateful to my sister @louisetoftcoaching for introducing me to these beautiful words x ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Sam Toft
My Instagram account has been hacked because foolishly I clicked on an email that said I had earned a ‘verified badge’. If I pay the ransome I get it back 🤣 but it’s just a bunch of photos and a helluva lot of followers… I’m guessing if I wanted to set up again a few people would follow me, right? So my insta profile now shows as no posts no followers. Instagram themselves don’t seem to be able to help as their solutions send me round in circles. It does not seem worth the bother. I think I will go on a social media holiday courtesy of the hackers ( thank you!) and send out an email to all those signed up via my website www.samtoft.co.uk with all my News. The Little Mustard Club feed has gone too… I think I will just abandon both unless anyone has any bright ideas? 🧡 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Sam Toft
Let it go. You need that space for something far more wonderful… The magical words of @donnaashworthwords … and thanks also to you to my lovely sis @louisetoftcoaching for all your encouragement and vision xxx ... See MoreSee Less
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Contact Graham

For all queries about your orders please contact Graham at graham@samtoftoriginals.co.uk.